sending me things, though I asked them not to. I suppose that's all over now?

Seriously, though, I am fully behind you as ever. I hope you can get this mess cleaned up soon. Also I hope I can get out to pay you a visit soon.

Mr. Conger:

Mr. S.

San Francisco, Calif.

Re: your split." I am sorry that the two factions have not been able to arrange some compromise, such as each publication taking a different name-although it is sad to think that ONE after so many years would cease to exist. (Sic!)

It is equally sad that there is no national homophile organization, especially when we see the danger (as in the Jenkins affair) in which all homosexuals lie, the gigantic, great hatred, so similar, so horribly similar to the anti-Semitism of Europe. Mr. S.


New York City

I trust you will forgive this direct approach, at a time when you are doubtless deeply preoccupied and troubled with the schism which has appeared so dramatically and suddenly (to your more distant friends at least) in the organization of "ONE."

Whatever the issues and personalities involved, the great danger may be being overlooked. It is that distant members, unable to decide which side is right, may withhold support long enough to ruin ONE entirely. This must not be allowed to happen. In your hard task you have my sympathy and support.


Mr. J. Durban, South Africa

I must admit that I have been one of those who are "sitting on the fence, waiting to see what will happen" with respect to the counterfeit ONE being set up. This is a habit I have formed from a fear of taking. a stand, due to a lack of self-confidence. Such behavior stems from the insecurities and self-doubts of adolescence. How could I gain self-confidence when the whole world (I thought) was telling me how rotten and disgusting an excuse for a human being I was. I got so I was almost believing such non-

sense. After all, when you start thinking the whole world is right and you are wrong, you must be losing your sanity. It took most of my teen years to realize that homosexuality is only a facet of my total personality, albeit an important one; it took a few more years to realize that homosexuality is a fact of life for a great many people beside myself.

Withdrawal is not the answer for a meaningful life, and my first step away from withdrawal was to offer my support for ONE'S work. However, it takes a long time to overcome behavior which is deeply rooted in one's being. I sincerely hope that if a homosexual revolt takes place in my lifetime, I will be ready to be a part of it. You at ONE are laying the groundwork for that great event, and I am proud and happy to be associated with you. Setbacks are necessary in order that we may take the important forward steps of progress. I am confident that the present problems you are experiencing will be solved, just as others have been in the past, and ONE will gain greater ground as a result.


Mr. W.

Toronto, Ont., Canada

Glad to hear the L. A. County Superior Court has supported you with a restraining order against the false "ones." Am sure it will become permanent when all the facts are aired. Best wishes, as always. Dr. M. Detroit, Mich.

EDITOR'S NOTE:-Newsstand and other general readers, who may have seen a magazine resembling ONE published from another location in Los Angeles, should be advised that it is a spurious publication which was, on 8/23/65, made subject to a restraining order isued by the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles. Contrary to widely-circulated reports such as are reflected in some of the above letters, there is still only one ONE, Inc., still intact after nearly thirteen years of continuous growth, and still located at 2256 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles. Any information to the contrary, suggestive of "splits" or "factions," is er-



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